Tours Machupicchu MachuPicchu by Car by Sakura Expeditions .:. 100% Local Tour Operator
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+51 941411418 +51 084 650853

[email protected]

Daily exits:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, On Sunday


Cusco 07:00 – 07:30 am
Hidroeléctrica 14:00 – 14:30 pm
Santa Teresa 15:00 – 15:30 pm

Point of Meeting:

The Point of concentration is in the Plaza of Weapon opposite to Snack food “Macdonald” to the side of the Cathedral of the Cusco of 07:00-07:20 am, There is one transfer of the company Sakura Expedition he will come and will call by your names before approaching, for those that have a return with the company a bracelet was placed.
The car will depart from Cusco to them 07:30 am as long as all be an hour, it exists 15 minutes of wait to the passengers who have called one day before that for some circumstance was late. This was implying the exit 07:45 am that are exceptional cases.

Point of Return:

The Point of concentration will be on the small station of buses of hydroelectrics of 14:00 – 14:30 pm, There there will be a transfer of the company Sakura calling for your name if it was not like that, it relies on a bracelet with this one you have to approach to Sakura company for take the bus to Cusco.

Tiempo estimado de Viaje

Punto de Encuentro Hora de Salida 1ra Parada Destino
McDonald (7:00 am) (7:30 am) Ollantaytambo (9:30 am) Hidroeléctrica (14:00 pm)

Información util de viaje

  • Son 7 horas de viaje aproximadamente, el 85% de la carretera es asfaltada y el 15% es trocha.
  • El bus tiene 2 paradas Ollantaytambo por 15 minutos para utilizar los servicios higiénicos y para abordar pasajeros que contrataron el servicio en esta zona.
  • Por el cambio de diferentes de altitud, se recomienda tomar alguna pastilla para el mareo o mal de altura (Soroche Pill, Aspirina o Mate de Coca).

Nuestros Vehículos

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